Buy your own Julita & Paula CD!

Because Julita & Paula album was released in Poland, I don't suppose you can buy it anywhere else. What a pity. But here's your chance - you can order it through me, and be therefore happy with this quality music.

Julita & Paula, 1998
J&P's debut LP
Koledowanie Julity & Pauli, 2000
J&P's Christmas LP


Region 1st item Next items
Europe $4 $2
Russia $5 $3
North America $5 $3
Africa $5 $3
South America $6 $4
Asia $6 $4
Australia & Oceania $6 $4

I accept cash in USD or DEM (or PLN, but I don't think this would be convenient for you). Only notes, no coins. When sending money make sure to wrap it so it's not visible through the envelope. Cheques can also be accepted, but since they are likely to cause me a lot of troubles (not to mention the provision I'll have to pay) they are discouraged.

Also please make sure the bills are not damaged in any way. This includes notes that are very excessively worn out, that have cut corners, that have pen marks (particularily on the portrait part), etc. The banks here don't seem to like these.

Paweł Więcek <>
All rights reserved.
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